Davy Landman

Picture of Davy Landman

Hi, I am a proud father, the Co-founder and CEO of SWAT.engineering, an enthusiastic Software Engineer, and have a PhD in Software Engineering research. Next to this I enjoy woodworking, 3D-printing, gardening, and cooking.

I started out as an enterprise software engineer, then went to further study with prof.dr. Paul Klint and prof.dr. Jurgen Vinju to learn about a better way to develop software. After finishing my PhD, we started SWAT.engineering to bring Domain Specific Languages to the enterprise software world.

I contribute to open source when luxury permits, and am one of the core-developers of the Rascal meta programming language. I am interested in a wide range of challenges: domain & language design, reverse engineering, concurrency, encryption, compression, binary file formats, Unicode, performance, and many more.

You can find me on , , , or send me an .